Every thing she wants
"How could you leave me, when I needed to posses you?
I hated you, I loved you too."
Wutering Heights, Kate Bush
He always felt kind of out of place.
A man isn't supposed to be romantic. Too odd.
Since he was born, he was in love with some girl. Who the hell the girl was she wasn' really important. I think they were all one. In fact, the truth is that he has always been in love with the same girl, but in different bodies. The first teacher, the first doctor. The first female friend from the kingdom garden. Being in love was the regular state of mind.
But, once upon in his life there was THE girl. First time he looks to her: Love in the pure state. He felt like a punch in the stomach. Could this be really real? She personified every woman in the world. She was from all the colors, all the sounds. What was she? Diamond girl, precious stone, that's what she was to him.
He introduces himself. She looks to him. Love.
One morning he wakes up, he is going to pick her up at college. He is happy. He wants to stay with her, not just date, he wants her every minute, to sleep with her, to hug every piece of her. Tonight they're supposed to be together, they are going to the mountains. She loved " Wuthering Heights". He could be a Heathcliff. In front of the school she says she feels like staying at home, alone. Ok, That's right. At home, she feels alone and he comes back, talks to her, they drink wine, but her sisters are at home and he can not stay in her room and can't hug a single piece of her.
A month later she wants to stop college, stop work. Life is only one, you gotta live to the limit. You gotta do what you want to do. Art school. Painting. Now she is free, she wants to live with him. Same house, same space. They want each other, they kiss until their lips hurt. They move together. Too weeks later she misses her mom. In three weeks, her sisters. Patience is his virtue, but his Catherine Earnshaw decides to live apart. "Let' just stay friends".
She moves to Bangkok. He waits. He waits her letters, her emails.
He meets Lucia.
Lucia has the same hair since she was 18.
She works in a bank. Lucia was a true woman. She was no sunshine, but he would have a true family with her. His love with "Catherine Earnshaw" now seamed a strange good dream dreamed a long, long time ago.
Next month they got married.