Welcome everybody! Nice to have you here.

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My eyes are tired of not seeing what is real.
My vision is darkened from the sights
of colors I picture inside my mind
Instead of seeing the colors the worls is really painted of.
I need to rest my eyelashes.
I need to ease my pain.
I need to close my eyelids
And dream.


A beaultiful New Year to Yall

This year I'd like to give my so very Best thanks to some dear friends that inspired me the last year.

First, a beautiful 2010 to my writer palls of “Back to the Beginning” and Autores SA, Monica and my dearest Andrea ,Camila and Lohan, wonderful people and a very talented ones!!!!! Thanks to invite me to your blogs, in 2009 was very important to me to have the opportunity to express myself. I couldn’t find time to write and it was a wonderful way to discover some feelings I even didn’t know I had. This is priceless. I wish I had more time to dedicate to a better writing and to write more too.

Special thanks to my friends Magali, Terumi and Larissa Yumi. I love you very much, my friends, you lighten up my life!!!!!

Juliana, thanks to God and to orkut I found you, the 2009 was the year we reencountered and it was lovely to feel you as friend as always!!!!

Mauricio, this year we didn’t meet so often, but it was because of your successful professional life!!!!! I hated to meet you not so very often, but I love you love your job with all your heart and soul. I’m very proud of you and you know it!!!!

Camillo Landoni, whatta beautiful lovely person you are, my dearest friend!!!! We met so long ago and the 2009 was the year we met again. Was written in the stars, for sure!!!!!

To all the “back to the Beginning” followers and visitors, a “flowerfull”, lovely and beaultifull 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To you: “Strawberry Fields Forever”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!