Welcome everybody! Nice to have you here.

If you're passing by... stop and leave us a postcard - your comments. Tx.


In a cave with you

It’s terrible not having you in my life.

Horrible not telling you a three hour good morning,

to kiss you for hours and hours.

I love to take your hands and walk thought the streets.

I love every thing.

You told me I didn’t listen you sing…

How could I?

It must be the sound of heaven, of happiness.

I wish I could throw it all away,

I wish I could live with you in a cave

eating mammoths and making love to you every day.


Searching for writers. Do you wanna be part of our team?

You know...  writting is not easy, especially in another language.
It's difficult to find the right words to express our feelings, our thoughts.
It's difficult to be exposed to many mistakes and to be judged by others
who understand and maybe are more fluent in the language than we think we are.
But this is exactly the challenge!
Putting ourselves in the edge.
At the same time we can find  inside ourselves
that, YES, WE CAN.
The feeling of overcoming our own criticism and expectations
bring us a sensation of relief and achivement.
So, if you want to be part of our team
and expose your ideas, texts, opinions, fellings, poems,
send a text of yours to this e-mail: amaralandra(@gmail.com.
You'll be welcome.
We are here to make new friends, to exchange our doubts
related to the English Language, to practice more.
Please, don't forget to tell your friends also.
Thank you and be welcome! Don't give up.