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Wind beneath my wings with lyrics

I don't know how many of you had the chance to watch "Beaches", from 1988, with Bette Midler and Barbara Hershey.
But if you don't, here goes a plus recommendation to one of the most moving movies I had the chance to watch. The title in Portuguese is "Amigas para sempre" but don't foolish yourself thinking it's a girllie nonsense pass time movie. Not at all.
It is a lesson for life.
Both friends change so much emotions and circunstances in their lives and it's so interesting to see how life can play tricks on us...you laugh and cry and feel the same love and pain they do. Bette Midler's performance is a plus and the sound track is perfect from the beggining to the end.

The song I downloaded from Youtube is a confession of admiration, secret jeaulousy, a wish of being and loving the other self. Enjoy!


Songs that make you feel wonderfull! Ain't no body

     Don't you have any song, or an specific kind of music that suddenly brings you a good sensation?

The wonderfull Chaka Khan

     Well, I really do! I have a lot of songs that simply make my heart sparkle ^^ This week, I’m ‘more in love than ever’ with this song, the beautiful  Ain’t Nobody, with the wonderfull voice of the fantastic soul singer Chaka Khan!!

"Ain't nobody
Loves me better
makes me happy
makes me feel this way..."