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Sunny connected souls.

It's funny how people are connected in their minds without having the slightest idea about it, without even knowing they have something in common...or not, maybe it can be just a coincidence also. Let me explain.

Yesterday I had this strong feeling of seing the sea...Yes, the ocean, the salty water , the oceanic breathing, the sun....I miss it so much! I'm a Leo, so my zodiac sign explains it all. I miss the energy that comes from sunny days.

 I live on the mountain side of my state. My hometown is called Nova Friburgo, which means "New Cold village". Do I have to say how cold it is in the winter? Fireplaces, cheese, wine, overcoats... all of these are perfect and I don't dislike them, but I'm a daughter of the sun. I'm a completelly different person when I feel the hot weather, when I walk through the sand, shoeless, wearing my colorful bathing suits , feeling the sun tanning my skin, the wind passing by my whole body, listening to the waves kissing the sand, looking at the infinite horizon, freeing my mind from problems and bad thoughts of any kind.
The last time I went to the beach was eight months ago. Why so long? Because I have a little cute baby and for his protection, I decided not to put him through situations he can't stand for now. Now he is 10 months old and  it's Spring around here, so, I'm planning to take him for a day on the beach. Maybe this Saturday.

Anyway, all of this just to say that I write and follow a collective blog called Autores S/A. And this morning I was caught up by surprise when I read a poem of another writer that happens to be  a Leo as well and the subject of her poem, was the same as mine! Isn't it incredible ? She is talking about the same need, the eagerness for the ocean, for the sun. And we don't know each other, she doesn't know my personal blog or anything like that.

I love the net because of these little happenings. We can find soul mates virtually, without having the possibility of knowing them in any other situations in life. Real life...I have been making many friends through the blogsphera and I love it! I love the interactivity built just through the written words... And good night to all of you who stops by .


Love Story

A sorta fairytale

Let's see colours that have never been seen

Let's go to places no one else has been

Electrical Storm, U2

She lived in the sea with the others sea beings, loved the water, she was the water and the water was her. Adena used to swim from blue Greece islands to Italy sea. Adena had no sisters, some disappeared when in love with some sailors and others she just never heard from them anymore. She barely remembers from them, they were all like her, human and fish at the same time. Sometimes Linux were more fish than girl, although she was curious about humans, women, legs. They all had legs. Legs much better than tail, legs the same as wings, even better.
Fourteen thousand years. No human contact, except for the singing. She sang to herself but couldn't help being heard by humans. Through her voice she has been loved, adored, worshiped during all her life. But no contact.
Then He was born.
One night He feels like swimming. He hears the singing. That night Adena wasn't singing to herself. They look at each other and everything makes sense. Caught up in the rapture . No differences, no promises.
She moves in to the island. Everyday is a silly love story of kisses and poems. How could she never new Love. Love's so right. They slowly became each other, no need of food, thy fed of the drops of themselves they sip from each other. Days, months, years of happiness.
Then she got legs. On day in the morning Adena wakes us and no tail. She touches the legs, feels the fingers, the ground, the sand and the water f the sea. He looks at her, loves her, fish or woman, there's no one like her. Let's get married. You're mine, I'm yours, kids, house, relatives-in-law, everything.

Marriage: kids, house, relatives-in-law, everything.

Adena misses the sea. They have arguments about anything everyday. She walks into every room in the house. The house is so small. Land is so small.
One night He takes her into his arms and goes to the sea. He lets the waves hold her, it feels like home.
She's water again.


Getting started.

If I ever see you again
I want to be sure
The sun will rise with your smile
I'll trade my belongings
for some peace in my heart
for a moment with the stars.
Not denying my feelings.
Not hidding the words
that were meant to be said.

But now my heart is cloudy
And I do nothing
while the tears fall down on my chest
like the rain drops
I watch outside my window pane.

But even the rain
Brings the smell of a touch
I could taste before.
It was a moment in life
I would trade and try
so happy inside
I'd fly above the skies
Searching once again
wherever you are...

If you could see me now
and understand
It doesn't matter where you are
which really matters is
to find your spirit
getting closer to mine
getting started for a new season of  love
A new season of sunny days and colorful flowers
Just like my heart when it used to see you.

I hope and pray
Never give up !
I hope and say
You'll be mine.
And Spring and Summer
will refresh my soul.

So....I look outside and the rain is gone.
The clouds are going away
The sun shows up its shinning rays
And I feel my heart smiling again.


She wolf

She wolf

"A new flame has come, and nothing she can do can do me wrong."

Simply Red

She was a regular woman. She had also a regular job. Every day, from Monday to Friday she woke up at 6:00 am to dress up to work. It was nice to walk fifteen minutes through the Streets of São Paulo. As she never had a car- too afraid to drive- she loved to feel the wind blowing her face when she was inside the bus. The wind used to bring her such a hapyy feeling that sometimes she used to forget she was going to work. At this moment there was only the wind. Hapiness.

This woman didn't like very much the days because during daytime she felt she wasn't existing, it was like a dream, but not that good dreams that make us want to stay in bed. She felt that only about five or six pm she was starting to be alive.

Today was a day like all the others. Almost like, because when she woke up she felt like dressing up very nicely, more than usual. She used to put on a jeans, a t-shirt and high heels, but not now. A long look at the mirror, as she was making love to it. Make up on every spot of the twenty seven year old face. A long dress and a gorgeous perfume. No one used to look at her, not even long time-so-superficial-friends. Today feels like the earth, sky and the people on the streets really look at her and the wind kisses her more than ever.

She's now leaving work but she doesn't remember very well how was the working day. She just remembers she worked, ate lunch and the disgusting new math teacher asked her to go somewhere, some day. the man seems too grassy, tedious, and a close talker, witch she hates more than the oil skin. She says something without any relevance to him and goes to the bathroom to put some lipstick to go home, but when she looks at the mirror something is different.

Her skin is covered with a little soft fur and the touch feels like her old teddy bear that she still kepps on her bed together with the tweve pillows. As she hurries home, comes a strange sensation of freedom and pleasure to walk specially this night. She has alwaysl loved the nightlife, the moon. Now the night loved her. Finally a lover. She ran home, ran so fast that she barely felt the ground, she floated. She, wind.

At home, she locks herself at the bedroom, refusing to eat the everyday macaroni her aunt made for dinner, she lays down, feeling a thick fur grow throuh her body, from the head to the feet. Her nails grow and start to look like her poodle's. No, looks more like her neighbor's pit bull. Teeth, head, hands, everything is different. Finally she is. She wolf. She happy. She's herself now.


The bright side of things

Change your emotions and your life. The whole universe will change with you!
Believe it!

It is possible to cause, by your own effort, a rupture of the old life concepts and build up a new and wonderful paradigm. It does not matter what your previous experiences have been or the age you are!
There is a holy statement which says: "I make as new everything."
Change your mind and you can change your life...since your thoughts are carried on with true emotions.
You cannot attract health and abundance to your own experience when you have negative emotions, even if you have affirmative statements. This is the point where most people fail.
Imagine that as soon as you think positively you start up the law of attraction automatically.
But insisting for some time of thinking positively but in a superficial way, without your emotions flowing according to your thoughts...result: little positive things occur achieving in this way.

Make the difference: think with feelings and emotions and you will be able to change your destiny!

First of all, become aware that your present state reflects your emotions lived in the past. Forget what is gone, work your emotions out in order to change the present time and get prepared to receive the future that you create right now in your mind.
You can start like that: I am the creation of God, therefore, I AM his daughter.

God is infinite abundance.
God is perfect health.
God is absolute peace.
God is permanent joy.
God is love.

God is everything which is good, wonderful and perfect.
Maybe I may be living the illusion of being separate from the SOURCE OF CREATION at this moment, but in my essence, I AM ONE with HIM, I am LIKE HIM.
The enthusiasm is an elevated feeling capable to reach sublimated areas of consciousness which vibrates according to the Universal Law, first source of all creative action.

It is necessary to think always positively, motivated by a strong feeling of being able to generate enthusiasm. Just achieving that, things start changing.

Source: Comunidade "Conexão da Luz", by Orkut.
Translation (version) adapted by Monica Giunta.



This poem came to me one day while I was watching it rain, and listening to the radio. It is very true in our lives that we must choose for ourselves how to live, and which song to sing, be it happy or sad. I like to think I choose to sing a happy song, of life and laughter. But, of course, sometimes life chooses for us also.

I can hear the rain
Softly falling down
each drop a symphony of sound
It Makes me think
About what a feel inside

It can sound just like a sad song with a slow beat
the kind that makes me daydream
and feel sad and sigh
as I think of what might of been or could be in my life

Or maybe it is a happy song that brings back sweet memories
tender thoughts and special smiles
thinking of someone who makes my heart beat faster
and my laughter ring with happiness and joy

Or maybe it is a love song
with sweet and soft lyrics
tender, romantic and sensual
that makes me think of dancing in the rain

I need to decide which song
is the one I’m hearing
which music soothes my soul
and which song I want to sing along with

Sometimes, I have to choose a song
and sometimes the song just chooses me.


Why English? The Enchantment explains it all.

When I was a little girl, I used to come back  to the living room late at night to watch tv behind my parents back. My father hated soap operas and disliked the fact that a child would be after nine pm out of bed (nowadays I understand why).

The fact is, everything that is prohibited is better. So, I waited until I was sure my father was deeply asleep to watch those "Corujão Sessions", on Globo channel.

It always amazed me those credits in the beggining and in the end of the movies... All the different , strange and difficult names that I tried to guess how to pronounce . Every time I read "The" (and there were so many times), I wondered if it was an article, a capital letter, the name of a company and so on.

I was enchanted by it, and always talked to myself that when I was a growing up person, I'd travel around the world to know such places I watched on tv and that I 'd be able to talk in that language.

I'm from a time (not too far ago) that few people could hardly ever think that English would become such a powerful language as it has become. Attending an English course was just an extra activity among ballet classes , swimming or playing a musical instrument .

I remember that in my city there were only two courses when I decided that I wanted to study it: C.C.A.A. and Cultura Inglesa. The first one taught American English and the second, British English. I didn't even know they were that different, like Portuguese from Brazil and from Portugal. All I knew was that I was familiarized with the American one, by the music I heard on the radio.

It was great to repeat the drills after the teachers and sing songs watching the videoclips from Madonna, Michael Jackson, Billy Joel, Elton John. The eightys were great!

I didn't finish the supposed seven years to complete the course. But I got part of my dream of knowing personally a place where English is a first language. My nine years living in the USA gave me knowledge about their culture, which comes as a gift to complete the learning process of any language.

I breathed English 20/20 and I'm very glad that I had this opportunity. When I came back to Brazil I decided right away that I had to go back to college and graduate in Arts.

A month ago it was my graduation in Portuguese/Literature, but English still is my passion. I like to teach, although it seems to be very boring the process of being always teaching basic level students . We end up not being able of practicing the language to the fully.

And then came the Internet. I discovered the Blogsphera and I started a blog of my own where I write in Portuguese, of course. Then, came an idea of a second blog where I post lyrics and clips of songs I like in both languages and poetry as well.

After that I received an invitation from a friend of mine to write in a blog with other people. Everyone has its own page to post any kind of text. Each one of us has its day of the week. My day of posting is on Thursdays. Each week I try to write in a different style, but some people stick to just one kind of text, which is okay. The only rule is that each post must be original. Just like the one I'm finishing to write to you.

I want to welcome all the writers and readers who will joy this blog. I'm very happy about it because I see on it a posssibility of making new friends, sharing new thoughts and an exchange of ideas and doubts we all have about this wonderful language that we embraced like our own. Good luck and good journey through the words to all of us.